Well, it’s here: The Fall of 2012. This is the time of year when things get a little cray cray. After the doldrums of summer finally subsided last month with Sleeping Dogs and Darksiders 2, this is season of the big dogs. It’s a little leaner than last year but there are still some blockbusters forthcoming, most notably, Borderlands 2. I know many of the GamerSushi staff are drooling at the chance to shoot thousands upon thousands of skags again. I am little more reserved on it, but I will probably pick it up at some point, after the dust from my backlog as cleared.
I know Torchlight II will be a popular choice for many, possibly as a change of pace from Diablo III. Sports fans will have to choose between hockey or the Beautiful Game as depicted in FIFA 13. I know Mists of Pandaria might draw some more WoW fans back into the fray for one last gasp, but I’ve heard that it has turned others off with its resemblance to Kung-Fu Panda. Hit the comments and let me know which side your bread is buttered.