Yet Another Modern Warfare 2 Tease

More teasers? I get that Infinity Ward wants to hype their game, but come on. Oh well, I guess I can’t complain too much when I gobble up every bit of info that they throw at me, ravenously looking for more.

While the world premiere of Modern Warfare 2 is still just a couple of days away, it seems that a new teaser is out tonight exclusively on GameTrailers. So, kick back, relax and enjoy the 28 seconds of teasing, 10 of which we’ve already seen.

Modern Warfare 2 Teaser Dissect-ified

modern-warfare2Well that didn’t take long. In case you’ve been under a rock all day, the first Modern Warfare 2 teaser debuted last night, giving us little to go on but sound clips, flashes of video and lots of green. Oh, we also got a release date.

Anywho, some crazy dudes have already dissected the trailer nearly second-by-second, and have found some interesting things including a screenshot of some perks, potential hints at settings (South America, anyone?) and even translation of that Russian you heard. Frankly, I’m amazed whenever someone goes to all this trouble, so I must tip my hat to these fine folks.

It’s definitely worth a look if you’re interested in the game at all, especially once they start busting out the frame-by-frame captures of the montage that takes place near the end. So, what are your thoughts?

Source- Binge Gamer

First Modern Warfare 2 Teaser

Well, the very first preview of Modern Warfare 2 (looks like they may have dropped the Call of Duty moniker, eh?) is now available, with the ever so briefest of teases of the game. And I mean tease in every sense of the word. While the trailer doesn’t really show us much, it does give us a release date of November 10, 2009, which is kind of awesome, to say the least.