Microsoft: Spread Them Games Out, Fool

msFinally, a voice of reason has spoken in the clusterfrak that is the video game release schedule, which places the majority of all games for an entire year in the holiday months. And who is this voice of reason, you ask? Well, it’s none other than Microsoft. I know, I was surprised, too.

Basically, after last year’s release hell that saw over 200 games release in a 3-4 week time span, Microsoft is wondering if this is a model that video game companies should continue to follow. Specifically, the questions are about whether new IPs can survive when all of the heavy hitters are released at the same time. As the main point of contention, they site Resident Evil 5 and GTA IV, both released in the first quarter of the year and seeing great sales numbers.

So what do you guys think? Good news? I for one would love to see gaming releases spread out through the year. I still haven’t caught up on my Christmas gaming, and I’m starting to lose interest.

Source- MCVUK