Today’s Totally Lame: Uncharted 2 Has Multiplayer

uncharted2I know we’ve talked about this before, but it really is starting to bother me. Apparently, Naughty Dog is adding a multiplayer component to Uncharted 2, complete with 3 player co-op and deathmatch, among some other game modes. While I don’t mind the 3 player co-op (though it is kind of a weird number to settle on), the deathmatch mode just annoys me. Uncharted is a platformer a la Prince of Persia- why does it need a deathmatch mode?

Sure, I can just avoid playing the multiplayer when the game comes out, but my real concern is that a subpar deathmatch mode just seems like it’s a waste of valuable developer time to me. It’s the same as people complaining that Bioshock or Mirror’s Edge didn’t have multiplayer. I understand that it adds some replay value, but why can’t games be single player anymore?

What do you think about platformers like Uncharted 2 having a multiplayer component? Do you celebrate it, or do you want a more focused single player experience?

Source- Kotaku

GamerSushi Asks: Favorite Multiplayer Modes?

halo3ctfAfter playing Left 4 Dead versus like an addict for the last couple of months, I’ve started thinking about what makes it so fun. I mean, it’s not all that different from a game like Halo or Gears of War, right? At its core, it’s still just one team versus another team, so why am I enjoying it like crazy?

To be honest, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it is, in fact, different. While most games rely on the “kill-or-be-killed” mentality, Left 4 Dead, even in versus mode, is a co-operative beast.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Favorite Multiplayer Modes?