Today’s Totally Lame: Uncharted 2 Has Multiplayer

uncharted2I know we’ve talked about this before, but it really is starting to bother me. Apparently, Naughty Dog is adding a multiplayer component to Uncharted 2, complete with 3 player co-op and deathmatch, among some other game modes. While I don’t mind the 3 player co-op (though it is kind of a weird number to settle on), the deathmatch mode just annoys me. Uncharted is a platformer a la Prince of Persia- why does it need a deathmatch mode?

Sure, I can just avoid playing the multiplayer when the game comes out, but my real concern is that a subpar deathmatch mode just seems like it’s a waste of valuable developer time to me. It’s the same as people complaining that Bioshock or Mirror’s Edge didn’t have multiplayer. I understand that it adds some replay value, but why can’t games be single player anymore?

What do you think about platformers like Uncharted 2 having a multiplayer component? Do you celebrate it, or do you want a more focused single player experience?

Source- Kotaku

Today’s ZOMG: New Uncharted 2 Screenshots

uncharted2I’ve said plenty of times that I find Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune to be one of the unsung heroes so far for this generation. It’s a shame the game was only on the PS3, which meant that only a small pocket of the gaming community at large got a chance to share in its platforming, cinematic joy. Bummer.

However, I’m still stupid excited for the game’s follow up, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Some brand new screenshots released today that about made me slap a bear in the face. These new pictures are not only gorgeous, but they may sport some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen.

Seriously, go look. This rates high on the “do want” meter. Very high, indeed. Who played the first game and wants the second?

Source- GamesRadar