GamerSushi at PAX Prime 2013

Yes you read that right, GamerSushi will have a small, one-man presence at PAX Prime down in the Emerald City this year. It’s rather a last minute thing, but I do have to give a shout-out to a couple people for making this happen; they know who they are (no Anthony, it’s not you).

I’m going to be on the show floor and attending panels and definitely trying to get my maple syrup-covered mitts on some next gen hardware. Both the PS4 and Xbox One (so hard not to just type Xbone) will be on the show floor showing off a plethora of games. I’m most interested in InFamous: Second Son and Dead Rising 3, but I’d be happy to get my hands on whatever.

Is anyone else going to PAX this year? If you are, what are you hoping to see? If you see me on the floor, come say hi! I’ll try not to be super socially awkward (no promises). Follow GamerSushi on Twitter for updates when I can spare them.

The Games of E3, In List Form

E3 2010As we talked about in our stupendously awesome podcast the other day, next month marks one of my favorite gaming times of the year: E3. It has seriously always been my goal to attend this one day, even if it suddenly turns lame and un-fun. PAX is as close as I’ve gotten to an event of this magnitude regarding video games, so hopefully one day I’ll be able to see the sacred halls of E3 as well.

E3 2010 promises to be a big year for the expo, what with all the Natal and Move stuff that Sony and Microsoft will no doubt be showing. It also makes you wonder if Nintendo’s packing something up its sleeve to prove that it is the dominant and forward thinker that it seems to be in terms of what the masses want this generation.

Honestly, I can’t wait to see what unfolds, which is why I’m superbly giddy about this awesome list of E3 games that IGN posted. There will be an unbelievable amount of games on display, though it seems that folks like Nintendo are being coy about what they’ll be showing off. Meanwhile, Sony’s bringing more games than I realized they would be. And no doubt Microsoft is hiding a few up its sleeve as well. I’m also noticing Valve’s absence…

Anyway, hit the jump to see the full list.
Continue reading The Games of E3, In List Form

The Hallowed Halls of PAX: A Gamer’s Dream

I knew I was in a different world when I saw Captain Falcon in the restroom. He posed. Or at least, he seemed to. It was hard to tell with all of those foam muscles. But rest assured, there was flexing of some kind.

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PAX: The Leftovers

The wild thing about PAX is there’s really so much to see and do, it’s hard to take it all in. I got to play a ton of great new games, many of which you’ve already read about. There were also a few other not-so-great ones, which you no doubt read about as well.

In the end, though, there were too many to do write-ups on all of them, so I just focused on the ones that stuck out to me most for some reason or another. However, I’ve put together a list of the other games that I saw, played and gathered some brief impressions of:

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PAX: Cosplay Edition

I’m a huge nerd. Let’s just get that out of the way. I am maybe one of the biggest (not just in stature) nerds that you will ever meet. It’s a combination of factors that make me that way, really. However, I’ve always liked to think that there’s a line I would never cross, no matter what, a line that takes you from just a nerd into a sacred realm reserved for precious few…

That line for me is cosplay. And at PAX, there was lots of it.

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PAX: Gears of War 2

As many of you know, Gears of War 2 was playable in multiplayer form here at PAX for the weekend. While I somehow missed the Microsoft booth in its entirety yesterday, I got over there as soon as possible today to check out a number of games, most notably Gears of War 2, both multiplayer and single player campaign.

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PAX: Fallout 3 Booth Kind of Rules

In continuing with their tradition of Fallout 3’s ridiculously awesome art, Bethesda seems to have gone all out with their PAX booth this year. While I was kindly asked by a Bethesda dude to not take any video, I was able to grab some pretty incredible pictures of the set-up that they had going on, which included but was not limited to a trailer, burned-up mannequins, and a huge metal cylon looking guy.

It also included perhaps the best piece of SWAG of the day…

Continue reading PAX: Fallout 3 Booth Kind of Rules

PAX Update!

Wow. Seen a lot of crazy stuff at PAX today, but haven’t had any time to update about it because it’s been so nuts. Tonight, I’m going to be uploading my videos and pictures, and they’ll be released over the night and during the day tomorrow. Among some of the coolest things we saw: Little Big Planet, Resistance, the new Halo 3 map, a bunch of Wii games and Fallout 3. More to come!

PAX: That PS Triple

Get your envy sticks out, because I’m all set and ready to leave for PAX this weekend. While Microsoft has already revealed their lineup for the Expo (and it’s quite good), I’ve still been curious to see what Sony is going to have ready for the throng of gamers like myself.

Continue reading PAX: That PS Triple

GamerSushi at Pax!

This weekend I will be attending PAX (otherwise known as Penny Arcade Expo), the gamer’s mecca, taking pictures and video of everything that the game devs are going to be showing off.

Things I hope to do include: get a hands-on impression of the new 360 dashboard, check out the playable Left 4 Dead, attend a screening of Second Skin the MMO documentary and play Rock Band until my ears bleed.

Continue reading GamerSushi at Pax!