Closer to Next Gen: Next Xbox and PS4 Rumors Surface

next xbox no used games always online

It’s “Stop the Presses” Thursday, coming at ya!

Hot on the heels of Sony’s announcement of a press conference on the 20 of February said to be a PlayStation 4 reveal, more rumored specifications about the Xbox 360 successor leaked out thanks to Edge.

The next Xbox will be always online, won’t play second hand games, will have games that ship on 50GB Blu-Ray discs and will utilize an upgraded Kinect. The always-online, no second-hand rumors have been floating around for a while, and it looks like games will be packaged with an activation code that renders the disc useless beyond the purchaser.

As for hardware, the system specs of the next Xbox look like this: AMD eight-core x64 1.6GHz CPU, a D3D11.x 800MHz graphics solution and 8GB of DDR3 RAM. The system architecture of the next generation consoles, PS4 included, are apparently really close to the inner workings of a PC.

In contrast, the rumored specifications of Sony’s PS4 are a bit more beefy on paper, with developers apparently saying that the PS4 is easier to work on, as well as featuring an operating system that’s less stringent than Microsoft’s next console.

This “no used games” thing keeps popping up, so what do you guys think? Does the next Xbox actually have all this stuff? Will Sony reveal the PlayStation 4 on the 20? Go!

Xbox Source – Edge
PS4 Source – Edge

What do You Want From Sony and Microsoft’s Next Gen Systems?

xbox 720 rumor

Hot on the heels of Nintendo’s Wii U announcement at E3 2011, is reporting that a “high-ranking industry source” at Crytek has leaked the news that Microsoft will announce their Xbox 360 successor next year at E3.

Whether or not the source can be trusted (every rumor comes from a “high-ranking person” these days) we can’t deny that Sony and Microsoft are finally turning their eyes towards the future, perhaps even more so now that Nintendo beat them to the punch. Speculating on whether or not this is a real leak is probably a waste of time; it’s more likely than not that this is just an attempt to get some hits. What’s more fun and productive is guessing what Microsoft and Sony’s next gen consoles will be like.

The Xbox 720 and the PlayStation 4 (or whatever they end up calling them) will no doubt feature beefed up graphical capabilities, but how far will they go? The article sates that Microsoft will include DirectX 11 in the new system, which seems pretty reasonable to me, considering how far along technologically we’ve come since the Xbox 360’s launch. What about Sony, though? What problems from this generation do you want them to fix? Sound off!

Source –

Rumor: PS4 Specs?

So once again, I wonder aloud- is it already time for the next gen (you’ll see more about that this weekend)? A rumor has been going around about the potential PS4 specs. Apparently, Sony has sent out some stuff to developers asking for feedback on a few specs that they have in mind.

When is Sony planning on launching this? 2011, by the looks of it. Wow.

Continue reading Rumor: PS4 Specs?