So I imagine you guys are all aware of this little title called Killzone 2? Yeah, thought so. The 360 fanboys hate it already and the PS3 fanboys are ready to canonize it, so I thought I would take a look at it myself. Having read dozens of reviews of the game already, I had a good idea of what to expect and my main complaint was that the demo was really too short to make a firm judgment about anything. This preview will also answer some things I have seen pop up online regarding the demo and the game itself.
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Tag: Preview
Preview: The Last Guy
The Last Guy (TLG) is a game I’ve heard mention of for a few weeks now, but only recently have I come to understand just what it is. And what it is, is FUN. TLG is a PSN game, recently priced at $9.99 and will be available to suck up more of your precious HDD space on 8/28.