Sackboy’s Plea For Pluto

Looking for a cause to believe in? Tired of cynical politics? Well, Sackboy has a cause for you! Seems the newest video game mascot is more political than the others and has a website devoted to restoring Pluto (the planet, not the dog) back to planet status.

You might be asking yourself, who is this pile of burlap? I’m SackBoy and I’m a maverick, an outsider, someone who always hopes for change. But more than that, I’m a champion of planetary rights.

“End Segregation of Our Solar System”

Check it out and sign the petition at

GTA IV DLC This Fall (360 Only…DOH!) is reporting that Microsoft has indeed confirmed that downloadable content for Grand Theft Auto IV will be out this fall.

What exactly this entails is anyone’s guess, but as a PS3 owner, I hope it’s nothing storyline related. But there is hope yet…

Continue reading GTA IV DLC This Fall (360 Only…DOH!)

Little Big Release Date

Since it’s been more than, I don’t know, a few days since we’ve posted anything related to LittleBigPlanet, I figured we were about due for some kind of excuse to talk about Sackboy. Well, that excuse has arrived.

Kotaku reports that Sony Europe has now set the release date for LittleBigPlanet as October 24th, which is way too close for words. Granted, this is the European release date, but one can only assume that the U.S. release will be coming on or around the same time. Excited yet?

Source- Kotaku

Top 5: New System Mascots That Aren’t Named Mario or Sonic

It appears as time goes on that Mario and Sonic (especially Sonic) are becoming almost irrelevant. Mario appears mainly in spin-off games, like Mario Kart and even that has lost its luster. Sure, he pops up in a true Mario game once every 3 or 4 years, but aside from New Super Mario Bros., was anyone really excited about any of those games? With that in mind, I thought it time to showcase the new mascots of the new generation. Feel free to disagree and add your own or make your own list.

Continue reading Top 5: New System Mascots That Aren’t Named Mario or Sonic