The Groovy Horror of Kinect Star Wars

star wars kinect galactic dance off

Even in a site where everyone can easily be considered a nerd, Anthony and I have another badge to pin on the sash of our geekiness: we are both huge Star Wars fans. We read the books, play the games and watched the Phantom Menace in 3D (or at least I did). Since neither of us have a Kinect, we won’t be playing the recently released Star Wars title, but the game’s Galactic Dance Off mode seemed like good fodder so we decided to watch a few videos and give you our thoughts on them. Be warned, the songs featured in the videos are terrible to the extreme.

See our breakdown after the jump! Continue reading The Groovy Horror of Kinect Star Wars

Poll: Most Anticipated April Release?

So March is over and with it goes Mass Effect 3. Hopefully all the controversy will be left in the dust, as well. All I know is if a game in April has a crappy ending, I don’t want to know about it. Keep it to yourself, please.

It’s a varied and interesting line-up this month. HD collections, long-awaited Japanese imports and PC ports, oh my! For myself, it’s another month of RPGs, as Xenoblade Chronicles and The Witcher 2 for Xbox 360 are already pre-ordered. I’m just waiting for the release dates to plop my money down and start grinding. Which reminds me that this has been a strong year for RPGs so far. We’ve already had Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Mass Effect 3 (It is an RPG, despite the claims of the haters) and now these two gems are hitting the shelves. I’m in heaven.

What games of April are you most looking forward to? One of the RPGs? Or the under-the-radar Prototype 2? Vote below and tell us why in the comments! If I left a game out that you are craving, please let me know below, as well. VOTE NOW!

Most Anticipated April Release

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