The GamerSushi Show, Ep 80: Teem Mucheens

the gamersushi show ep 80

We’re back with our first post-Winter break cast and it is a doozy. Everyone is here and we rap about some neat stuff like the news out of CES, what we’re playing and then we wrap it up with some video game news.

It’s been a few weeks so I’ll remind you how this goes. Listen, rate and we’ll see you in the next cast!

0:00 – 6:11 Intro
6:12 – 13:49 4K TVs
13:50 – 18:33 PlayStation Now
18:34 – 30:19 Steam Machines
30:20 – 39:46 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
39:47 – 44:24 Gone Home and The Stanley Parable
44:45 – 47:44 The Walking Dead Season 2
47:46 – 55:16 Spelunky
55:17 – 1:03:54 Batman: Arkham Origins
1:03:55 – 1:13:44 Evolve
1:13:45 – 1:23:04 Titanfall
1:23:05 – 1:24:22 Outro

The GamerSushi Show, Ep 75: Millions of Beeches

gamersushi show ep 75 gta 5

We’re back after a week break, but can you blame us? We needed time to digest Rockstar’s latest magnum opus, GTA 5. As you can imagine, a large portion of the cast is taken up by this game, but we only talk up to the first heist, so there’s not a huge risk of spoilers.

Other than that we talk Valve’s Steam announcements (outside of the Steam controller that hadn’t been revealed yet), I heap some love on Nintendo for the Wii U and Windwaker HD and the fact that Apple payed EA to give them the exclusive launch of Plants vs Zombies 2, and apparently that’s a big deal?

Anyways, you know the drill by now, listen, rate and come back next week (hopefully) for another installment of the GamerSushi Show!

0:00 – 6:27 Intro
6:28 – 21:40 SteamOS, Steam Machines
21:42 – 26:58 Next Gen Transfers
26:59 – 31:09 Wii U and Wind Waker HD
31:10 – 37:25 EA and Apple “Non-troversy”
37:26 – 1:01:07 GTA 5
1:01:08 – 1:03:48 Outro

Valve Unveils Steam OS, Steam Machine and One Other Thing

steam os steam machines

Oh Gabe Newell, I doff my proverbial cap to you. Not content to just have the largest digital distribution network for PC games, Valve is expanding the Steam Universe with an OS, machines and…something else.

Valve kicked off the announcements this week by showing off SteamOS, the Linux-based operating system that will guide your magical journey through living-room centered PC gaming wonderfulness. It sounds like you can dual-boot the SteamOS on an existing PC or stream games from your current gaming PC to a Steam Machine running SteamOS and play your games that way.

Continue reading Valve Unveils Steam OS, Steam Machine and One Other Thing