Outland Trailer Shows the Battle Between Two Worlds, Also Pretty Colors

It’s sort of a running thread around here lately that downloadable titles are owning big full-price titles, something we mentioned on our last podcast. Just to add another bullet point to that argument, I would like to introduce you to Outland, the new side-scrolling platformer from Housemarque, the development studio behind Super Stardust HD. I saw this game running at PAX 2010, and the first thing that immediately caught my attention was the awesome art style. Take a look at the trailer and see for yourself.

Even if it was the sort of generic “PERIL OF TWO WORLDS OH NOES” type of story, the graphics are enough to get me anticipating this. Apparently the gameplay is sort of like Ikaruga where you need to switch colors to damage foes or interact with the environment. Blue bullets won’t hurt a blue suit, and vice versa. Consider me psyched for this, at least. Anyone else interested in this game? Are you finding yourself anticipating download titles more and more often?

PSN Store Update: 9/4/08

It’s Thursday! Time for another update to the PSN! This week brings a ton of video content and a new episode of Qore. If you have not subscribed to it, I highly recommend you do. It’s full of fun features and tons of info. And since I signed up for the first episode, I will be allowed into both the Resistance 2 and Socom: Confrontation betas! Eat your heart out! This month’s Qore features the Motorstorm: Pacific Rift demo.

Full list of new content after the jump:

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