GamerSushi Asks: Stale Franchises?

Assassin's Creed Revelations

We sift through tons of news stories for you kids, always trying to find the gems that are Sushi-Worthy. When a mainstream media site like Yahoo gives us a list of Stale Franchises that need to take a break, my job becomes a whole lot easier. Especially since one of the games on the list is super popular and still critically acclaimed: Assassin’s Creed.

The other games on the list are expected, such as Sonic and Tony Hawk, but the idea that Assassin’s Creed needs a break is one that is starting to gain some steam. I was against turning that franchise into an annual release, but Ubisoft has done a great job at churning out high-quality games. It’s only this year that fatigue is starting to set in. I think they should take a break as well, but after the expected release of Assassin’s Creed 3 in November.

What other franchises could you use a break from? Hit the comments now!

Source: Yahoo Games

Myth of the “Killer” Game

dark-cloudFanboys and the media just love to start trouble. Fanboys we can understand, they just want to see their console succeed and all others fail. Why, I have no idea, but thats their moronic role and I have to live with it. The gaming media, which I am beginning to think is pretty juvenile sometimes, should know better than to manufacture a story. But they do all the time, with their unrelenting hype.

Dark Cloud was widely called a “Zelda-killer”. First, I don’t know what that even means, since it won’t stop Zelda games from being made. Trust me, as good as Dark Cloud could be, Nintendo will still make more Zeldas. I loved Dark Cloud, but I bought a GameCube just to play The Wind Waker. So it didn’t really kill anything, did it? Second, the two games are really nothing alike, apart from the green hat the heroes both wear and that it is an action-rpg. Dark Cloud was a dungeon crawler with a focus on stamina and weapon maintence. You only explored one dungeon at a time and rebuilt a town using items found in the caves. Zelda is much more open and epic, with the focus on exploring and puzzles.
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