Get Your Hot Wii U Info Straight From Nintendo Direct

wii u release date and pricing

Hold on to your hats fellas, information about the hotly anticipated (/s) Wii U has finally arrived, including pricing, software lineups and the launch date.

In a string of Nintendo Direct broadcasts, the hardware giant confirmed that the Wii U will be in two flavors when it launches on November 18 in North America (December 8 in Japan and November 30 in Europe. Interesting to see where Nintendo thinks their bread will be buttered.). The two types of Wii U on offer are the Basic and Premium bundles, each with their own set of features and unique price point.

Basic, which is a white Wii U, comes with 8GB of memory, a game pad and will run you $299 dollars when it drops. The black Wii U Premium will be $349 and comes with 32GB of memory, black accessories and a Nintendo Premium Network subscription. What that gets you is 10% off software purchases and points for buying titles.

The Wii U’s launch-date games will be New Super Mario Bros. Wii U, Rayman Legends, ZombiU (and Premium ZombiU bundle), FIFA 13, Mass Effect 3 and Nintendo Land, with Bayonetta 2 being announced as an exclusive. Black Ops 2 will also be arriving on the system on an unknown date with Pikmin 3 following in 2013.

The Wii U’s hardware was not specifically revealed, but the console will output in 1080p, making this Nintendo’s first jump into the HD realm.

So that’s the lowdown on the Wii U, folks. What do you think of the console being three hundred dollars for the basic package? Will you be picking one up?

Source – VG247

Nintendo Thinks Gamers are Insatiable

nintendo thinks gamers are insatiable

Gamers, why you gotta be so mad, bros? At least that’s what Nintendo seems to be wondering if this interview with Reggie Fils-Aime over at Kotaku seems to be any indication.

With E3 (and Nintendo’s baffling parade of press conferences) behind us, most of the negative fan reaction has been forgotten about, but the bad feelings towards Nintendo’s showing still lingers. We’ve known for a long time that we’re a hard bunch to please, but this little quote from Reggie kind of puts it in a publisher perspective:

One of the things that, on one hand, I love and, on the other hand, that troubles me tremendously about not only our fanbase but about the gaming community at large is that, whenever you share information, the perspective is, ‘Thank you, but I want more.’ ‘Thank you, but give me more.’ I mean, it is insatiable.

And so for years this community has been asking, ‘Where’s Pikmin?’ ‘Where’s Pikmin?’ ‘Where’s Pikmin?’ We give them Pikmin. And then they say, ‘What else?’

For years, this community have said, ‘Damnit Reggie, when you launch, you better launch with a Mario game.’ So we launch with a Mario game, and they say, ‘So what’s more?’ I have heard people say, ‘You know, you’ve got these fantastic franchises, beyond what you’re doing in Smash Bros., isn’t there a way to leverage all these franchises?’ So we create Nintendo Land and they say, ‘Ho-hum, give me more.’ So it’s an interesting challenge.

While I think that Reggie is right on the money with a couple of his comments, you can’t deny that Nintendo rightly deserves some stick for a lack-luster E3 press conference and following it up with some big WTF announcements like a new, bigger 3DS. What do you guys think? Are Reggie’s comments justified? Are we really that hard to please or is that the vocal minority talking for us again?

Source – Kotaku, Polygon