GamerSushi Community Night!

community-nightWe’ve developed quite a cool community here at GamerSushi. For reals, Anthony and I really just enjoy hearing your thoughts on the dumb gaming-related things that we think about (ie: obsess over), and the last few months has been especially cool as you guys weigh in and give your feedback.

That being said, what good is a community of gamers if they don’t actually game together? Anthony and I would like to start doing some GamerSushi community nights in the near future, where we all get together and frag, talk trash, and cause some all out mayhem. We’d like to do 3 separate nights for 3 separate platforms: XBox 360, PC and PS3.

What multiplayer games do you guys own for each of these systems? We’ll look at what everyone says and come up with some games and some dates. Go!

Review: Fallout 3

fallout-3-zombie Having been a great fan of Bethesda’s earlier RPG series, The Elder Scrolls, I was eagerly waiting for Fallout 3 and their decision to make it into a FPS/RPG hybrid. Not having played any of the previous Fallout games, I was not concerned with any drastic changes they might have made, so this review will come from the perspective of a Fallout noob.

Continue reading Review: Fallout 3

Review: Prince of Persia

prince-of-persiaThe Sands of Time, the Warrior Within and the Two Thrones were some of favorite games on my PS2, especially the Sands of Time. The fantastic controls, the platforming, the sweaty palms as I guided the Prince past buzzsaw traps and rolling logs with spikes…all of it made for a fantastic gaming experience.

So with great excitement, I started on this latest adventure. First thing to note is that this is not a sequel or a prequel or anything like that. It is a reboot, no characters return except the Prince (who isn’t even a prince now) and Farah (who is now a donkey). This kind of thing never really bothers me, so I can’t blame the developers for wanting to start fresh on a new console.

Continue reading Review: Prince of Persia

Are We Really Ready For Next Gen?

Over the years, I’ve owned a lot of consoles. At one point or another I’ve been the master of the NES, Atari, Sega Saturn, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, Sony Playstation (uno, dos, tres) the GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, XBox, GameCube, XBox 360, PSP, the PC and Nintendo Wii. I like consoles, and the games that come with them. Each console represents a unique period of my life, in which I had a chance to become familiar with the system like a new friend, watching as they grew into their own.

The newest generation of consoles is starting to gather its steam, and so far things have been decent. However, as of late, more and more people are starting discussions about the next generation beyond the 360, the Wii and the PS3, speculating about development and wanting to know when the new systems will drop. My question is: is it time to be talking about this already? Have the big 3 earned an investment in a new console just yet?

Continue reading Are We Really Ready For Next Gen?

Rumor: XBox “720” Will Be Forward Compatible?

Once again, a part of me frets in a major way that people are already bringing up the next generation so often. Especially hearing that they are testing and rumor leaking this info as well.

This one’s kind of interesting though. XBox Evolved is reporting that Microsoft is testing “forward compatibility” for their next console. What this means is basically that XBox 360 games will be playable in the console, but they will also be upgraded/enhanced by the new console’s powers.

Ideally, this would improve things like draw distance/ load times, all kinds of things. Now if it could only take the douches off of Live… Thoughts?

Source- XBox Evolved

Downloadable Content Unleashed!

Kotaku is reporting that the best-selling The Force Unleashed will be getting some pretty cool DLC in the fall. The content, which has no specific release date as of yet, will be released for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 before the end of the year. Continue reading Downloadable Content Unleashed!

A Gag-Worthy “Best Of 360” List

I have a weird love/hate thing with “best of” gaming lists. They’re addictive as anything to read, but a lot of times you want to just slap the writers of them in the face for the way they have ranked the games. While a lot of that is expected and just typical subjectivity, sometimes dudes just get it wrong.

Take GamePro, for instance. While I’m sure they mean well with their new “Best of XBox 360” list, they are sadly, horribly, woefully misguided in the way they’ve placed the appropriate titles. There should be terrible punishments for people that are this far off.

Continue reading A Gag-Worthy “Best Of 360” List

Come Get Some Duke Nukem

No, not the vaporware Duke Nukem. I’m talking about the flesh-and-bone older brother, Duke Nukem 3D, which is coming to XBox Live Arcade later this month. A new trailer hit earlier this week, and man, I’m actually really pumped for the release.

I remember playing this thing on the N64 with my brother, and we would just do the deathmatch stuff with our friends all day long. Not to mention that this new version comes packed with 8 player multiplayer over XBL, but also the ability to save and share clips and even rewind it when you die, a la Prince of Persia. This is going to rule. Now if only they could get Goldeneye on XBLA…

Get Informed About the New Dashboard

Personally, one of the things that shocked (in a good way) me most about the 360 when I bought it was the dashboard. I thought it was such a clever user interface, and it had a nice slick look to it. For me, it changed it into something more than a console, so I’m really excited about the completely revamped interface, coming soon.

For anybody else that’s interested, Gamerscore Blog is now going to be updating each Friday to bring tips and explanations about all the features of the new 360 dashboard.

Continue reading Get Informed About the New Dashboard

Left 4 Dead Demo to Eat Your Brains

As some of you know, I’m kind of a huge nut about most things Valve-related. Whether it’s head crabs, crowbars, portals, layzorz, scouts, I’m all about it. Another thing I’m a huge fan of is Zombies. Also, co-op play. Mashing all these things together like potatoes gives you Valve’s upcoming gave Left 4 Dead.

So, it was to my delight that Gabe Newell confirmed that a Left 4 Dead demo is going to be hitting XBox Live and the PC soon. If I’m frothing at the mouth, it’s not the T-Virus, it’s just that I’m so happy.

Continue reading Left 4 Dead Demo to Eat Your Brains

Castle Crashers and Braid Bring Joy

So this weekend my goal was to get through a couple of new XBLA games, Castle Crashers and Braid. I’ve been hearing a lot of great stuff about both of these games, and I wanted to check them out, with hopes of reviewing them sometime in the next week or so.

As of right now, I’m completely thrilled with and loving both of these titles. It’s funny, because they’re the exact opposite of one another in terms of their playing styles. Braid is a puzzle game and Castle Crashers is an old school arcade beat-em-up a la The Simpsons or Streets of Rage.

Continue reading Castle Crashers and Braid Bring Joy

XBox 360 Elite from Amazon

Tempted yet?

First there’s the price cut, now Amazon is offering a $60 gift card on all XBox 360 Elite purchases. Not to mention the fact that any purchases over $25 get free shipping, this certainly isn’t a bad deal. Just thought I’d throw this out there for any of you who are on the fence about getting an Xbox 360 and love to do some shopping around at Amazon.

Source- Amazon

XBox 360: A Sordid History of a Broken Console

I’m not sure how many of you guys that own 360s have had the RRoD (Red Ring of Death for those of you who, like ostriches, have buried your heads in the sand and missed the acronym), but I have experienced 2 myself. Yeah. Dos.

Being on my 3rd Microsoft XBox 360 has left kind of a sour taste in my mouth, and I wouldn’t tolerate it save that it’s probably the most played console I’ve had since the original Playstation. It’s kind of weird because out of all the consoles I’ve ever owned, only 3 have broken. All were Microsoft products.

Continue reading XBox 360: A Sordid History of a Broken Console

Microsoft: Wii Wins, We Won’t

Looks like MS has accepted along with everybody else that Nintendo has won this round, and is now shooting for 2nd place in the console war over Sony’s Playstation 3. Essentially, they’ve figured out what everyone else knew almost a year ago.

Don Mattick, senior VP of Microsoft’s interactive entertainment division, recently told Business Week that even with the new Xbox 360 price drop, they don’t figure that they’re in any place to catch Nintendo at this point. And let’s face it, the Wii is essentially a Benjamin factory for Nintendo these days.

Continue reading Microsoft: Wii Wins, We Won’t

Rumor: Warhammer 40k Space Marine Video

A video of a new 3rd person action game in the Warhammer 40k universe titled “Space Marine” is starting to make its way around the web. This is an unconfirmed game, so it’s got “leak” written all over it. You might want to watch this one before it gets taken down!

Edit: The video we had posted was taken down, so this one appears courtesy of Kotaku.

Cheaper XBox 360 Confirmed

Even though the rumors have been all over this for months, Microsoft finally confirmed that the 360 is dropping in price.

Here is the rundowns of the new pricing, as of September 5th:

  • Xbox 360 Arcade $199
  • Xbox 360 $299
  • Xbox 360 Elite $399

Now you won’t feel quite as bad when you get RRoD-ified. Still not as cheap as the Wii, but this probably will make just a few buyers think twice when trying to choose between the two systems. Does this move any of you guys that don’t have one closer to buying?

Source- XBox

Fallout 3 Achievements Contain Vault Boy, Win

There are two kinds of people in this world: Fallout 3 nuts and Achievement nuts. Ok, so there are more types than that, but they aren’t concerned with the news that Fallout 3’s list of achievements is now up for your beady little eyes.

I know that some of you don’t care about achievements quite as much as myself, but these are worth checking out for the pictures alone, featuring Vault Boy in a variety of goofy poses and costumes, including one very much akin to a Mr. Norris.

Continue reading Fallout 3 Achievements Contain Vault Boy, Win

PAX: Saint’s Row 2

Even though I’m a bit of an XBox junkie, I’ve never actually played the original Saint’s Row for the 360, though I’ve consistently heard good things about it. The Saint’s Row 2 booth at PAX is almost impossible to miss, given that it’s got a giant gangsta’s head about twenty feet in the air, with 3 large HDTV’s plastered to the walls for people to play.

I’m a fan of open world games (too much of a fan), so I was pretty excited to see this one here. I stepped up to an open controller, wondering if it was going to be a thugarific good time, or just a GTA clone. I got a little bit of both.

Continue reading PAX: Saint’s Row 2

PAX: Gears of War 2

As many of you know, Gears of War 2 was playable in multiplayer form here at PAX for the weekend. While I somehow missed the Microsoft booth in its entirety yesterday, I got over there as soon as possible today to check out a number of games, most notably Gears of War 2, both multiplayer and single player campaign.

Continue reading PAX: Gears of War 2

Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements

I want to get this out of the way: I’m kind of an achievement whore.

Combining two things that I love, achievements and Gears of War, InsideGamer has posted a leaked list of Gears of War 2 Achievements. I’ve always been a fan of puns, and there are plenty to be had here including “Tanks for the Memories” and other groan-inducing achievement titles. Apparently, this is only 60 percent complete, and the full achievement list comes on Friday.

Continue reading Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements