After the surprising announcement of Left 4 Dead 2 for the 360 and PC a mere 7 months after the original game’s release, fans are up in arms. New Game Network is reporting that a boycott with a list of what is pissing people off has appeared on the forums over at Steam and there are already 2000 people onboard. What do you guys think about this? Joining the boycott or getting the game? Are these complaints valid?
Source: New Game Network
They have a few very valid points. Some of the shit is just stupid “The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked.” wtf?
But things like “Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered” and “The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games” I can get on board with.
i have to say i compleatly agree with the boycotters. wasn’t it just a few months ago, valve was telling us we pay too much for games? and now, instead of giving us the low cost dlc’s they promised, they expect us to dole out 50 quid ($60) for a new game?
I put my name on the list I don’t see why they did this. Look at how successful TF2 is because of their post release content. Just about a week or two ago they released the spy/sniper update why would they break such a great formula
So Valve finally did it. They sold their soul to the scamming, money making God (ie. EA).
I joined the group, and invited all my friends to do likewise.
L4D2 is going to flop.
idk i think valve probably should have just made it a DLC or something, if they’re gonna come out with a new game they should change more stuff. Maybe they should incorporate odd likeable characters that help you along the way like in the Half life series, just a thought.
i do like how they’re changing the enviroment a little more. Thats what I really want is for valve to release more maps. It’s kinda weird seeing zombies in the daytime but it doesn’t bother me. As for the Charger, idk i think they could have chosen a better boss zombie to add. Perhaps the main problem is that Valve is trying to change an already perfect game.
pretty much nailed it with your analysis, they have very good points but a couple seem to take away from their arguement.Joined anyway :p
where… is… HL2EP3 🙁 It wouldve been a MUCH better move. All my trust and love for Valve that gamersushi and tf2 updates have racked up for me is now gone 🙁
*Sigh* This is just stupid.
Valve is making it a whole new game because the content is to much to add to the old game. In L4D2, the level paths are completely dynamic. if they were going to add this to the first game, they would have to rework all the levels they’ve already done. Besides, Valve has already stated that they aren’t going to stop working on the first game. As for people complaining that the game is to sunny and cheerful; the weather changes, so the sunny city we saw in the trailer/gameplay isn’t what you will always get. For people who complain that the new characters are to bland; SKINS, use them.
You people are honestly complaining that Valve is giving you a new game?
I think valve broke their own speed record.
[quote comment=”7003″]*Sigh* This is just stupid.
Valve is making it a whole new game because the content is to much to add to the old game. In L4D2, the level paths are completely dynamic. if they were going to add this to the first game, they would have to rework all the levels they’ve already done. Besides, Valve has already stated that they aren’t going to stop working on the first game. As for people complaining that the game is to sunny and cheerful; the weather changes, so the sunny city we saw in the trailer/gameplay isn’t what you will always get. For people who complain that the new characters are to bland; SKINS, use them.
You people are honestly complaining that Valve is giving you a new game?[/quote]
They could add new campaigns with dynamic level paths without reworking the old levels easy. everything in L4D2 could and should be downloaded for use in L4D1. I do agree that day light maps are a plus but they aren’t special enough to justify a sequel.There are much more than skins to the characters their voices, personalities, and the way they interact with each other are much more important and much much more difficult to mod. And Valve is not giving us a new game they are trying to make us paying full price for a reskinned game we already payed full price for. In all honesty a multiplayer only game like L4D was never worth 50 bucks but I bought it anyway trusting valves promise that it would recieve free DLC campaigns, boss zombies, weaopons etc which we have seen none of (except the survival mode which is basically just a never ending crescendo event). Also by releasing the sequal so soon they devalue the original by destroying its player base and eliminating the possibility of future DLC. End Rant
[quote comment=”7003″]*Sigh* This is just stupid.
Valve is making it a whole new game because the content is to much to add to the old game. In L4D2, the level paths are completely dynamic. if they were going to add this to the first game, they would have to rework all the levels they’ve already done. Besides, Valve has already stated that they aren’t going to stop working on the first game. As for people complaining that the game is to sunny and cheerful; the weather changes, so the sunny city we saw in the trailer/gameplay isn’t what you will always get. For people who complain that the new characters are to bland; SKINS, use them.
You people are honestly complaining that Valve is giving you a new game?[/quote]
Giving? The problem is they expect us to fork over 50 quid for the same game.
[quote comment=”6989″]They have a few very valid points. Some of the shit is just stupid “The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked.” wtf?
But things like “Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered” and “The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games” I can get on board with.[/quote]
I agree with Nick. I wanted an entirely new campaign based on Last Stand, damn it! Surely they could do all that stuff with the story (How it’s “clearer” how you get from one place to another” with a DLC campaign that takes place after blood harvest…I have to admit though, the SPAS-12 auto shotty looks awesome.
In my opinion, Left 4 Dead 2 was a very bad move. Why pay for an update like TF2?
The only interesting things shown is probably the new campaigns, daylight and that’s about it. Both of those can be added in an update.
So yes, why buy the same game again?
I’m going to miss Zoey.
The new characters suck, the levels look awful and the music is terrible.
I am seriously hoping this is an late april fools joke.
[quote comment=”7014″]The new characters suck, the levels look awful and the music is terrible.
Were the characters in the first one any better? I hated them. On top of it all, if they’re releasing a 2nd one already, how about giving us some damn story? sure, fine, i’ll play the same maps over and over again with my friends, but I wanna care about the characters and the city. Give me grit, man.
While I don’t quite agree with the boycott and the complaining, I can at least understand it in terms of expecting more content. My big complaint with the first game is that it felt light on content, but it was still good for hours upon hours of gameplay.
What I don’t get about the complaining is the people wanting to boycott the game because of the music, etc. That just sounds like Diablo III’s color scheme argument all over again.
I have to agree. L4D 2 is more like L4D 1.5, and L4D 1 was supposed to get more DLC and content (since L4D was pretty bare bones when it came to content) and now obviously they are paying no attention to the first one, and are now doing another coming out not 12 months later. Come on, Valve.
Sorry, but three words cancel out any quarrels I might have had with Left 4 Dead 2.
Simple. Plus, I like the architecture of New Orleans, and I like the new characters. Hell, after hearing Louis scream “PILLS HERE” or Hearing Zoey scream “GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF ME!!!” for the hundredth time kind of ruined them for me. Now, sure, most of this could have been DLC, but, c’mon people, VALVe is a company. Look at all the stuff they give away for FREE. Look at the economic times. If I have to shell out 60 bucks for a (POTENTIALLY) good game to support VALVe after all they’ve given us, then I’m cool with that. Call me a tool. But I don’t bleed money, I’m lucky to see more than maybe $160 bucks in profit a year.
Ok, not the best argument. Ok, a REALLY shitty one to be honest. Still, I trust VALVe. Look at all the shit people threw up at the Sniper Vs Spy Update. How many people “lost faith in VALVe” after one little mistake that they fixed.
Lets just let the game come out, then try to rip VALVe a new asshole.
I agree With Pomer. on one hand Valve did promise Significant content for L4D1, but on the other hand, they need to make money somehow. rather than take a side now I’ll just wait until the game comes out. If it buys them time to make half life 2 episode 3 an awesome game then hay, I wont complain. They still could add DLC for l4d1**, plus we haven’t even seen the price tag yet. For now I’ll just Keep Killing zombies until it comes out
**Not to likely but hay I can dream can’t I?
[quote comment=”7018″][quote comment=”7014″]The new characters suck, the levels look awful and the music is terrible.
Were the characters in the first one any better? I hated them. On top of it all, if they’re releasing a 2nd one already, how about giving us some damn story? sure, fine, i’ll play the same maps over and over again with my friends, but I wanna care about the characters and the city. Give me grit, man.[/quote]
To answer your question, just look at how fast the “I hate vans” t-shirts sold out.
Alot of ya sound like Francis and his “I Hate…” quotes.Well anyway, they should stop whining around.
I find this tweet so tru.
“Can all nerds stop moaning about Left 4 Dead 2 please? We all know you’re going to buy it anyway. -@SnarkandFury” (via twitter)
Oh sry one more thing.
I think they released L4D2 because of so much new content. They can’t jus DLC it like “WHAM” to the L4D1. I think they found it much easier to release a sequel than clogging up bandwidths.
It’s just delicious irony that Valve said they are NOT stopping DLC support for L4D1 but everyone still says that they are in their complaints against L4D2. Oh, by the way, Steam Forums. That renders nearly all people involved worthless.
[quote comment=”7053″]It’s just delicious irony that Valve said they are NOT stopping DLC support for L4D1 but everyone still says that they are in their complaints against L4D2. Oh, by the way, Steam Forums. That renders nearly all people involved worthless.[/quote]
I’m just not sure that I believe them, to be honest. If you were releasing a sequel to a great game, you would want your community to flock to your sequel, which should be better. You wouldn’t continue to support the old game with new content, instead you’d put all of that new content in the new game. As for whether I’ll buy it, depends on the price. $10, sure. $20, maybe. But I won’t pay $30, $40, or $50 for a glorified DLC. Money doesn’t grow on trees, and there are much better ways to spend it than that. And as for the new characters sucking, I think you’ll get used to them. Not many people liked the characters in the original at first.
Boycott now at 10,000 people.