We are about a month away from the launch of Sony’s Playstation Move and in November, Microsoft will release Kinect. The two devices, rather than being similar, are actually quite different and seem to cater to two different mindsets of gamers out there.
Personally, I’m not looking seriously at buying either one of them, but if I had to choose, I think Move has that hardcore edge I would be looking for. Plus, I like buttons and I’m lazy.That being said, I think Kinect will outsell Move by a wide margin. The money of Microsoft and the allure of something so high tech will trap the casual game market more so than the precision that Move seems to offer.
So my question is…

I believe that Natal will sell more units just by the fact that it is marketed as a more casual game family time thing like the wii. I believe that families that have sons and a xbox will get go and get this cause of the more family oriented image. The move might be better but it has less originality as far as controller than natal. It also will suffer from the fact that it seems to be marketed more heavily towards hardcore players and they know that evil called motion controls.
[quote comment=”12637″]I believe that Natal will sell more units just by the fact that it is marketed as a more casual game family time thing like the wii. I believe that families that have sons and a xbox will get go and get this cause of the more family oriented image. The move might be better but it has less originality as far as controller than natal. It also will suffer from the fact that it seems to be marketed more heavily towards hardcore players and they know that evil called motion controls.[/quote]
I agree that the Kinect will sell more, however, I also believe that it is intrinsically better than the Move. I fear however, that unless Microsoft gets more games out with Kinect support/finds a way to do something similar to what Sony is doing with it’s games with automatic Move support/”backwards compatibility” with Move, then Kinect will lose any advantage it has by being an XBOX 360 peripheral.
Actually, never mind. There’s really no reason to buy a Kinect right now. Move will sell better until Microsoft can get more titles out with Kinect support. Once it does, Kinect will sell better, but motion control between Microsoft and Sony will go to Sony, I believe.
For two reasons I believe Kinect will sell more.
The first being that Microsoft seems to be more favorable when it comes to it’s consoles, in the sense of, people just tend to like them more. I think I only personally know about 6 PS3 owners, but 20+ 360 owners.
And the second being that Kinect offers more to the table then Move, and as mentioned before, it’s for the more casual gamer, and that means that now mom and dad can use the Xbox too, for more than just Netflix.
Though, there’s nothing wrong with Netflix.
I think the Kinnect will sell more as the move is just a wii all over. The wii type audience would probadly not want to buy a Sony Move as it is just a remake. The Kinnect is probadly going to sell better due to it promise of a whole new way to play games. Plus like Nic said I know a lot more Xbox 360 Users than Ps3 Owners.But that is really out of the point as most existing Xbox 360 Users who want to play kinnect will have to buy a new xbox in order to play Kinnect. Daniel, which one do you think will sell better, and if you had to choose between getting a free xbox 360 or a Ps3 which one would you choose and why?
[quote comment=”12643″]For two reasons I believe Kinect will sell more.
The first being that Microsoft seems to be more favorable when it comes to it’s consoles, in the sense of, people just tend to like them more. I think I only personally know about 6 PS3 owners, but 20+ 360 owners.
And the second being that Kinect offers more to the table then Move, and as mentioned before, it’s for the more casual gamer, and that means that now mom and dad can use the Xbox too, for more than just Netflix.
Though, there’s nothing wrong with Netflix.[/quote]
Yeah, but the thing is, there are so few games for the Kinect currently. Eventually, if Microsoft get’s itself together and starts getting its flagship title game studios to develop Kinect compatability or comes out with some killer game for the Kinect that’s not just KinectAnimals, Kinect will sell, but from the way things look/lack of Microsoft really showcasing anything impressive in regards to Kinect games, I predict that a lot of people will buy the Kinect now and realize that there’s not much to play on it, and it’ll just be sitting on the shelf until Mid-Year next year to Fall next year.
I would love to argue Move because Playstation has /always/ been more “hardcore” than XBox…. Which may be true in the turest sense… but then I think about how the Wii sells… and our look back at the top 10 selling games of 2010 so far… and our Pokemon thread… And I start to cry – so, so hard inside….
Where art though Wolfenstein?
I’m going for Natal (screw Kinect) purely due to the technology behind it attracting the wider audience. I’m thinking of getting Move though, but only if Sony release a Time Crisis game.