If you’re into online First Person Shooters, you’ve probably come to accept that all of them incorporate some sort of XP progression/unlock system at this point. This fad started gaining steam with Call of Duty 4, and it has been carried over to almost every other shooter since then. Fittingly, Black Ops takes this into the ridiculous territory with the customizations that will be allowed in game. Call of Duty usually avoided having the player customize their in-game avatar, but Black Ops will allow you to give your persona everything from face paint to armor and customized sights for your guns. Seriously, this video borders on ludicrous once the developers start detailing the different kinds of emblems you can emblazon your firearm with. Take a look:
While this is really cool, I think they lost me around the custom red-dot sight part. At some point you’re just adding too much to the investment system, and constantly dangling carrots in front of people gets annoying more often than not. As much as I love Halo: Reach, the poor design of the rank/armor system has really been rankling me (it takes forever to make it past Warrant Officer). Hopefully Black Ops will not suffer the same fate by making more options available faster. So, see anything that catches your fancy? Are you getting sick of shooter with a huge focus on ranks and unlocks?
Great, now kids don’t just have offensive sprays in CS, they’ll have a penis right on their gun, face and back. Geeeeeeeeeenious =/.
Dude, that is awesome. That looks like it will be a fun as heck system.
The emblem EDITOR is really neat. Agreed with you ont he red dots, sorry, a skull as my red dot…common, thats a little much. Oh well though right? As long as it doesn’t ruin it.
So I also sympathize. Halo Reach has a really ridiculous rank system for their armor. Warrant Officer, from what I have heard form the higher up guys, is the hardest one to get through. Im about 75% though Grade 3
I think this is taking things a little too far. How about they take the time they spend on making more and more unlocks and use it to make the game more balanced and have less glitches? And Mitch why do you not like Reach’s rank system? Warrant Officer might take a while but otherwise it’s pretty good.
@SK Beans
I see what you’re saying, but aren’t you jumping the gun here and assuming the game is an unbalanced glitchy mess?
Honestly, this video may have just moved me one notch closer to getting this on day one. I do agree that the potential for abuse is rather high, though.
I love this. I would rather have the option of what I get to buy than just unlock stuff in stages predesigned.
The customization looks cool, I’m pretty sure that Treyarch will have a system in place to keep inappropriate logos from being used in the game kinda like EA and the customized mask creator for Army of TWO the 4oth day. Also you don’t have to buy a red dot sight that looks like a skull you can bank your COD points for some bad-ass guns or kill steaks.
[quote comment=”13745″]@SK Beans
I see what you’re saying, but aren’t you jumping the gun here and assuming the game is an unbalanced glitchy mess?
Honestly, this video may have just moved me one notch closer to getting this on day one. I do agree that the potential for abuse is rather high, though.[/quote]
Yes Eddy I guess I am jumping the gun a bit, but looking at the series track record I wouldn’t be surprised. Unfair to assume so, maybe. Unrealistic, no.
I’m sold.
[quote comment=”13761″][quote comment=”13745″]@SK Beans
I see what you’re saying, but aren’t you jumping the gun here and assuming the game is an unbalanced glitchy mess?
Honestly, this video may have just moved me one notch closer to getting this on day one. I do agree that the potential for abuse is rather high, though.[/quote]
Yes Eddy I guess I am jumping the gun a bit, but looking at the series track record I wouldn’t be surprised. Unfair to assume so, maybe. Unrealistic, no.[/quote]
SK, World At War wasn’t a glitchy mess and neither was Modern Warfare. Only the last one was and it was patched, eventually. I think you are being a tad hard on Treyarch,lol.
@ Anthony, did you even play W@W’s multiplayer? Sooooooo unbalanced (Tank. ‘Nuff said). MW2 is a tad BS at times but yea, most of the glitches at least have been fixed.
[quote comment=”13768″][quote comment=”13761″][quote comment=”13745″]@SK Beans
I see what you’re saying, but aren’t you jumping the gun here and assuming the game is an unbalanced glitchy mess?
Honestly, this video may have just moved me one notch closer to getting this on day one. I do agree that the potential for abuse is rather high, though.[/quote]
Yes Eddy I guess I am jumping the gun a bit, but looking at the series track record I wouldn’t be surprised. Unfair to assume so, maybe. Unrealistic, no.[/quote]
SK, World At War wasn’t a glitchy mess and neither was Modern Warfare. Only the last one was and it was patched, eventually. I think you are being a tad hard on Treyarch,lol.[/quote]
The tank and juggernaut among others were overpowered, and you could get under a few maps and get to various cheap camping spots.
Id agree with SK beans that id rather them actually work on gameplay mechanics than face paint and red dot logos…
@SK Beans
Mostly because getting through Warrant Officer takes FOREVER. I got Captain today, though.
[quote comment=”13782″]@SK Beans
Mostly because getting through Warrant Officer takes FOREVER. I got Captain today, though.[/quote]
That is true. But everything else is fine amirite?
Ah, true I had forgotten about the tank. I didn’t play much of multiplayer in World at War, but I specifically remember being disappointed on the levels that had those dumb tanks in them. I’m hoping the developers learned their lessons this time around. After seeing what people did in Forza 3 with custom cars and paint jobs, I’m a bit anxious to see the kinds of awesome designs and looks gamers make for these… you know, if they’re not drawing sex organs.