The video games industry is starting to remind me of the East Coast/West Coast hip hop wars of the 90s. First, Nintendo said that smartphone gaming was destroying the value of video games. Then they crapped all over “garage developers”. Now, the Angry Birds are firing back at the Big N for their arrogance.
Peter Vesterbacka of Rovio (love that name) responded to Nintendo’s claims by saying:
“Of course, if I was trying to sell a $49 pieces of plastic to people then yes, I’d be worried too. But I think it’s a good sign that people are concerned – because from my point of view we’re doing something right.”
He goes on to say that the consoles aren’t the fastest growing market anymore and that “real” games can be made on smartphones, as well as consoles.
Now, I have no interest in smartphone gaming one iota and I personally think Angry Birds is an overrated game, back when I played something similar to it years ago, but I agree (to a point) with Vesterbacka. There is enough room for everyone in this industry, but it appears he is doing the same thing Nintendo is.
Nintendo is writing off smartphone gaming because they view it as a threat. Vesterbacka is doing the same thing with consoles because they aren’t the hot new thing out there anymore. Both can coexist in the same market, though. And Vesterbacka shouldn’t worry: Nintendo is pretty good at selling pieces of plastic.
What say you, GamerSushi nation? Is Nintendo right or are the Birds’ anger justified?
Source: MCV
They’re both wrong. Ninty shouldn’t write off garage devs, Valve are proof of how a small team can sew the seeds for a gaming phenomenon. Likewise, Rovio shouldn’t doubt Ninty’s ability to shift shovelware or peripherals. Rovio’s anger is a tad justified however, Nintendo shouldn’t ignore small talent: just plan their business with them carefully.
It’s a bit weird that Nintendo claims mobile gaming is destroying the value of video games, since many would point to the Wii as doing exactly that (I enjoy my Wii – NMH and NHM2, MH3, LoZ:TP). But this guy Vesterbacka should really think about what he’s saying before he flames Nintendo. If he’s trying to get on video gamers’ sides by calling video games “pieces of plastic”, then he’s doing it wrong.
[quote comment=”15985″]It’s a bit weird that Nintendo claims mobile gaming is destroying the value of video games, since many would point to the Wii as doing exactly that (I enjoy my Wii – NMH and NHM2, MH3, LoZ:TP). But this guy Vesterbacka should really think about what he’s saying before he flames Nintendo. If he’s trying to get on video gamers’ sides by calling video games “pieces of plastic”, then he’s doing it wrong.[/quote]
They are talking more about consumers expecting to pay $1.99 for a game and such.
[quote comment=”15987″]They are talking more about consumers expecting to pay $1.99 for a game and such.[/quote]
Which is why he should keep his comments focussed on games that cost $1.99. Nintendo shouldn’t have shut out “garage devs”, but they’ll eventually regret that decision and pull an about-face…hopefully. I was just saying Vesterbacka should keep his comments focussed on indie games, rather than try to compare them to games like Super Mario Galaxy.
[quote comment=”15990″][quote comment=”15987″]They are talking more about consumers expecting to pay $1.99 for a game and such.[/quote]
Which is why he should keep his comments focussed on games that cost $1.99. Nintendo shouldn’t have shut out “garage devs”, but they’ll eventually regret that decision and pull an about-face…hopefully. I was just saying Vesterbacka should keep his comments focussed on indie games, rather than try to compare them to games like Super Mario Galaxy.[/quote]
I agree with you. Nintendo might come off as arrogant for ignoring garage devs, but they have a model that works.
Vesterbacka comes off as arrogant because he has one hit game and he wants to insult Nintendo? Sorry, that doesn’t pass the smell test, as they say in annoying circles.
I think paying $.99 is great for a game. If the game has that kind of value, people who normally wouldnt buy it, will. Its better to push 1,000,000 units at $1 than to push maybe 1,000 at $50.
Never smash indi developers. Even if they come up with something brilliantly addicting and new, only to sell it for $1, its good for them. Some development companies cant push heavy prices. ALso with how gaming is evolving, look at it. Games on the Mac App store can cost up to $50 and be full fledged games. Its an iphone game, its not as big or heavy hitting. Nintendo just looks arrogant.