We here at GamerSushi have spent the last few episodes of our podcast, The GamerSushi Show, pontificating on the E3 2011 showings of the ‘Big Three’, mostly concerning Sony’s recent troubles and Nintendo’s Project Cafe. While Microsoft is reportedly bringing a bunch of hardcore themed games for Kinect, they’ve been rather quiet on this front so they’ll either slip into a respectable second place or bring the thunder and steal first.
There’s also a slim chance that all the major contenders might flop this year, leaving the playing field wide open for the publishers. EA is certainly coming to E3 2011 with a lot of big name titles that we’re all looking forward to such as Mass Effect 3, Battlefield 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic
Since we’ve shared our thoughts on this before, I cooked up a nice little poll for you guys to give your input on. Who’s going to come out ahead at E3 2011? Will it be the manufacturers, or the publishers? If you have any thoughts in the comments, please let us know!

I’m looking forward to seeing Mojang at E3 this year.
Granted, they aren’t a very big publisher, but because Minecraft is suppose to be making giant leaps and bounds this year, I think they’re worth looking at.
Usually, I’d be looking forward to Sony’s presentation. Still, with the MAJOR fiasco(s) the past few months, I don’t think I’ll be watching for longer than a few seconds to see how they decide to play off this apology. If I see Kevin Butler carrying Half-Life Episode 3, all is forgiven. Otherwise, I’m skeptical.
I can see the other publishers coming out strong as The Big 3 (sounds like something from MGS, lol), to my very limited knowledge, have little to show. Sony have Uncharted, The Last Guardian and maybe the MGS Collection.
MS have Gears, um, and, err…
Nintendo may surprise us again and show some great games and a new console (if that thing has a Metroid Prime and a Zelda I’m sold).
The other publishers have (what you said for EA), MW3, AC: Rev., Arkham City, Bioshock and probably some other/new IP too (Borderlands 2 plz?). They could REALLY show off some impressive shit.
Also, Kevin Butler had BETTER be there. You have been warned Sony.
Oh! MS have the Halo CE remake!
I voted for Nintendo, but thinking more closely, the 3rd party publishers will probably clean up.
Sony is probably going to spend quite a bit of time apologising for the PSN issues, and going over their new security systems in an effort to restore confidence.
Microsoft, I have no idea what they are going to be doing. There are doesnt sound like there are many Xbox first party exclusives coming, so they would need a big announcement of some third party publisher deal. Or a few Kinect games that look like the “hardcore gamer” would be intereseted in.
Nintendo I think will be trying to blow minds with Project Cafe and some more announcements for the 3DS. While I think Project Cafe will be interesting, I’m hoping that the journalists can temper their excitement so that we don’t end having to pay a ton for it because Nintendo feels like people will buy it at that price, like what happened with the 3DS. Also, Nintendo needs to get the 3DS’s virtual store etc up and running.