Well, we are officially in the depths of fall 2012. September was just a taste, with Borderlands 2 clearly dominating everyone’s mind for the better part of the month. But the first challenger arrives tomorrow with the release of Resident Evil 6. Though the reviews are mixed so far, I’m sure it will still be a big seller for Capcom.
But the zombie game is only the first of what might be the best month of the year. Dishonored and AC III will battle it out for the assassin crown, while EA tries to take out Call of Duty once again with Medal of Honor. There were so many games coming out this month that I decided to list all the major ones here instead of limiting the choices to 5 or 6. Be sure to let us know in the comments where you hard-earned gaming dollars are going. For me, it’s all about Assassin’s Creed III. And I’m sure I am not the only one. GO!

As much as I wanted to vote for Assassin;s Creed 3, I’ve recently picked up all my old Pokemon games and played through them, and tried out the Gen IV and V ones. I loved Black/White (my Dewott can kick some major butt now), so I’m looking forward to continuing the story with the new ones. Not to mention there’s a bunch of new features I can’t wait to use, like Memory Link, or the ability to use Repels over and over again without needing to go back to the menu.
Gotta Catch ’em All
Actually the last time I was close to pulling that off was Ruby. Only missed out on 3.
I’m not entirely hyped about RE6, but I’m gonna put some time into it anyway. The reviews have been brutal (and I totally understand why), but I personally loved the demo. To each his/her own, I guess…
However, I’m extra hyped about Dishonored. It has this Bioshock look and feel to it, which makes me interested cause Bioshock was da shit! Lol. I’m hoping it’s as open ended as the previews of the game make it out to be. I know I’m gonna have a grand time with it anyway, regardless of the reviews.
Also can’t can’t wait for NIGHTS Into Dreams HD. Getting it on 360, so the extra wait time is killing me! PS3 owners get the leg up on this one.
Assassin’s Creed really lost my interest after the 2nd game. I hope the third one does well enough to make me curious again. From what I’ve seen so far I’m not impressed. I really think Dishonored has potential to either be awesome or at least be mediocre enough to play, so it gets my vote.
I love that XCOM is in second. You guys are the best.
Gimme some AC3!
@Mitch, I’m hugely excited about XCOM so I HAD to vote for it! They met the third preorder reward on Steam, so if anybody buys it for PC on Steam you’ll get a free copy of Civilization 5 for free as well as the other two rewards.
I’m really looking forward to Just Dance 4. I just can`t wait to really shake my boot… ummmmmm, I mean, Resident Evil 6 has piqued my curiosity. I might buy it if I like the demo.