Pixel Count: Free EA Game?

Well, now that EA has finally revealed the more-meager-than-most-would-like-list of games that are available as a free download to compensate for any hardships caused by the unmitigated disaster that is Simcity, it’s time to find out from our dear readers what game they are going to choose! I know some people were expecting more from this, such as perhaps choosing any EA game on origin, but come on: it’s EA. We’re lucky they haven’t convinced our banks to double-charge us for Simcity. The list is below:

What Free Origin Game Would You Choose?

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Poll: Most Anticipated October Release?

Well, we are officially in the depths of fall 2012. September was just a taste, with Borderlands 2 clearly dominating everyone’s mind for the better part of the month. But the first challenger arrives tomorrow with the release of Resident Evil 6. Though the reviews are mixed so far, I’m sure it will still be a big seller for Capcom.

But the zombie game is only the first of what might be the best month of the year. Dishonored and AC III will battle it out for the assassin crown, while EA tries to take out Call of Duty once again with Medal of Honor. There were so many games coming out this month that I decided to list all the major ones here instead of limiting the choices to 5 or 6. Be sure to let us know in the comments where you hard-earned gaming dollars are going. For me, it’s all about Assassin’s Creed III. And I’m sure I am not the only one. GO!

Most Anticipated October Release?

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Today’s WTF: EA Leaks Battlefield 4 Beta on Origin

Battlefield 4 beta leak

Everyone on here knows that I love Battlefield just as much probably more than the next guy, but it’s not a game the benefits from having a successor so soon, considering that the latest version was released under a year ago. Add in the fact that Battlefield 3 Premium meant that customers bought the game twice, advertising the fact that there will be a Battlefield 4 Beta included with a Medal of Honor: Warfighter pre-order is a bit much.

I tried to grab a screenshot of this myself, but EA’s crack team of monkies running Origin seemed to have nipped this in the bud. The Internet is always quicker than you think, though, as Reddit user krov grabbed this screenshot of the Battlefield 4 Beta being advertised on Origin. Add this to the fact that IGN has their own screengrab and it’s looking like EA accidentally spilled the beans on Battlefield 4.

It’s fairly obvious that EA is positioning Medal of Honor and Battlefield to trade off on a yearly basis, but seeing one of my favorite franchises essentially working the digital street corner is disheartening. I try not to fall pray to the whole “gaming is ruined” thing, but it’s looking pretty ugly out there. What do you guys think about this? Is it actually legit? Should EA at least wait until Medal of Honor: Warfighter actually comes out before pimping the next Battlefield?

Source – Reddit, IGN