Due to some recent security issues we’ve experienced with the site, I’ve deleted all existing GamerSushi “subscriber” user accounts and have turned off the registration option.
Don’t worry, though – all of your comments are still in our system, and you can enter new comments by logging in with Twitter, Facebook or a wordpress.com user account (or without logging in at all if that’s what you prefer). I haven’t found any evidence that your login information was taken, but if you were using the same ID and password on another site, it can’t hurt to change your password. Sorry for any confusion!
Back to your regularly scheduled programming…
Oh no! My true identity is revealed!
Sucks that this happened, but ah well. You can make it up to us by having a full-cast on the next 10 podcasts. 😉
I can maybe promise you a unicorn if you’re in the market for a tall order. 😉
Deal. Failing the unicorn and the full cast, I will accept an autographed copy of Anthony’s FFVI. Assuming Eddy ever completed it… This is the only apology I can accept.
Anonymity is over rated!
Bummer though.
Aw, see, you guys don’t HAVE to lose your anonymity if you don’t want to. If you create an account at wordpress.com, it should let you control how your name and Gravatar appear when you comment here. Facebook and Twitter are just quick and easy ways of logging in without creating a new account.
I should have done done this ages ago anyway. Hoping it wasn’t too much hassle for you guys to get everything fixed/cleaned up.
Hello @GamerSushi.
Is my account then deleted?
I was trying to log in earlier into my account when it said the password was wrong.
Do i have to make a new wordpress account then?
Yep, it was deleted, but you don’t have to make a WordPress.com account if you don’t want to. Comment using whatever option you like most.