September is the official first month of Fall and with it comes the official start of blockbuster games season. It’s not overflowing with gaming goodness and there is a legitimate reason that we can point to: Grand Theft Auto V. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? Check the list and poll of games below and then meet me after the jump to discuss September’s offerings in further detail:

The month starts off with the console (and, according to some BETTER) version of Diablo III. Commence wailing and gnashing of teeth. Done? Okay, good. Moving on, we have Rayman Legends, for all the consoles instead of just for Wii U was originally intended. We will now pause for Wii U owner(s) to wail and gnash their teeth. Continuing in Square Enix’s confusion tradition, an HD remake of Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories is being released, so…yeah. I am so over that series, so if you get this, I will be judging you harshly. The rest of month is filled with sports entries, including 2 soccer games and 1 hockey, both of which are better video game sports than football. Yeah, I said it.
As for GTA V, well, it’s the champ. Everyone else cleared out of September to get away from this behemoth. Even though some of us hated GTA IV with a passion, GTA V looks like it improves on that game in every way possible. I preordered my copy today and I am pretty pumped. What say you? What game will you be playing this month? Go!
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons on Steam.
Pretty much obvious that it was GTA V for me. It just looks like the improvements will show much promise to this game and I could not be more excited to go nuts in Los Santos once more, as well as play it online when GTA Online comes out a couple weeks later! I mist admit Diablo III on console has me curious but I’m not sure yet. I might tread cautiously until I hear some more about how it’s done before I decide to buy it, maybe.
I have to say I’m convinced on GTA V. I probably won’t touch too much of the online stuff, but the single player has me intrigued. Let’s hope it’s not atrocious like GTA IV.
Oddly enough, I keep hearing that the console version of Diablo 3 is fantastic. How did this even happen?
Like Mitch, I’m also super excited about Brothers. I just picked it up the other day and can’t wait to finally play it. I’d like to block off a section of time where I can do it in one sitting if possible, but we’ll see if that can happen.
Too busy playing Rome 2; September’s most important release!