Hello again, Sushians,
No bones about it, the pace around here has been mighty slow. As Summer came to a close, plans to get the GamerSushi Show and the website back on track were talked about, but never materialized. Unfortunately our lives have changed quite a bit in the past few months meaning that we don’t have nearly as much time to dedicate to GamerSushi as we’d like.
The crew are still emailing regularly and playing games (we did our first Vault of Glass run in Destiny this past Saturday!) so there’s no need to worry about a falling out. We’re simply stepping back from regular GS contributions. Plans are in the works to make a send-off podcast so you can get one more hit of TGS.
Sorry about the radio silence, but we’ve been trying to figure out what to do with GamerSushi since our Summer break and nothing has really stuck. If things change we’ll let you know but for now we’re letting GamerSushi rest for a bit.
We’ll totally do a cash-grab reunion tour in a few years and play all of our greatest hits!
🙁 http://i.imgur.com/6pWxfMt.gif
God and that gif was so on point, too.
Let is be known that this is not the end, necessarily, but we’re just trying to figure out what exactly we want to do with GS.
But GS editors are like teachers as in they only do this one thing right? Sad to see you guys go on a hiatus but here’s hoping it comes back at some point.
Maybe just do a bimonthly podcast?
I don’t believe it http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1rkum8XXW1rqfhi2o1_500.gif
Sad to see it close down but I am hopeful you guys will get it back up and running again in some capacity. I’ve always been a big fan of your content so I hope it will return.
🙁 I had a feeling a post like this was coming up. Hopefully you guys are enjoying everything going on in your lives. Keep in touch!
@drellassassin a bimonthly podcast or something would be nice. Or maybe on a termly basis or whatever; every now and then when the GS team are free.