Pixel Count: Best Video Game Sport

Welcome to Pixel Count Tuesday!

Here in America we are busy preparing for the Super Bowl on Sunday. It’s an unofficial holiday in these parts with plenty of food, football and commercials. Even people who don’t watch football tune in for the spectacle. There is a tradition where EA simulates the Super Bowl using Madden NFL and that got me to thinking about what sports are best when played on a video game.

Without a doubt, Madden is the most popular, but is it the best? Hockey, free from the constant breaks in gameplay and offering a flowing experience has always been my favorite sport to experience through video games. Soccer and basketball are largely similar to hockey and are a blast to play for the same reasons. Even racing games seem like they would translate better than football, yet Madden outsells them all, much to the annoyance of some who feel that it is the same experience every year.

So that leads to the poll question: what is the best video game sport to play? Vote below and leave a comment stating your reasons for your vote. Play ball!

Best Video Game Sport

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GamerSushi Asks: Favorite Sports Video Game?

Michael Jordan

Gamers have a diverse mix of interests. Some are really into fantasy novels and Star Wars, others anime and manga. Even more are sports nuts, which is where we will focus our question today. In the days of old, sports games were a fun way to have a few friends over and enjoy the outdoor sports while indoors, but not all sports games are created equal. Some are fantastic and others are unworthy of merit.

Having cured myself of the Madden addiction I once had, now I find myself enjoying the more niche sports games, such as Hot Shots Golf, FIFA Soccer and the Fight Night series. Up until the right analog stick became the dominant way to play, EA’s NHL series was my all-time favorite sports franchise. I just think hockey has the best flow and pace for video games, even more than football.

So what sports games do you enjoy playing the most? Are there any sports that you don’t watch, but play the games instead? What sport do you think hasn’t reached it’s fullest potential when it comes to games? Hut, hut, hike!