Watch the Nintendo E3 2014 Digital Event Right Here!

While Nintendo’s E3 2014 Digital Even might have been short on surprises, it was full of absolutely adorable games that I want to play. The entire event is available to watch on YouTube so if you missed it this morning, check it out below.

The peek a the new open-world Zelda game and Splatoon were the highlights of the show for me. I don’t think this presentation sold anyone on a Wii U, but it definitely makes current owners feel better. I’m not quite sure of the Amiibos, but they don’t seem to be completely necessary for gameplay, either. What did you guys think of Nintendo’s Digital Event?

The GamerSushi Show, Ep 89: Super Sushi Bros.

gamersushi show ep 89

Fans of Patrick‘s last appearance in the days of yore of the GamerSushi Show (well, episode 83 actually) will be overjoyed to learn that the site’s most Easterly Canadian is back for another go.

Given Patrick’s stance as a Wii U supporter, it’s fortunate that we brought him in to discuss the massive Super Smash Bros. info-dump that came out this week. We also talk about out impressions of the Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number trailer and break down the beneficial changes Blizzard has brought to Diablo 3 for the new expansion, Reaper of Souls.

So listen, rate, give us five stars on Twitter and we’ll be back in your ear holes soon!

0:00 – 1:06 Intro
1:07 – 13:19 Super Smash Bros. Nintendo Direct
13:20 – 17:49 Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number trailer
17:50 – 26:07 What we’re playing
26:08 – 37:05 Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls
37:06 – 39:50 Jeff’s Titanfall obsession
39:51 – 42:10 Outro

Get All Your Super Smash Bros. Info in This Nintendo Direct

Ever since the Nintendo 64, each new Nintendo console has brought us a new Super Smash Bros., Nintendo’s hot franchise-on-franchise brawler. We’ve known that a version of Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U has been in the cards for a while (along with a 3DS version), but thanks to this new Nintendo Direct with Smash Bros. series director Masahiro Sakurai we now know that we’ll be seeing the newest iteration in Winter of 2014 (I assume they mean Q4) with the 3DS version hitting this Summer.

In addition to the release dates, this Nintendo Direct features information on new characters, online play,the 3DS-exclusive Smash Run mode and a few new characters, so check it out!

If this trailer is any indication then the music in the games themselves will be straight bangin’. Smash Bros. games are always good nostalgia trips, and I think that the tripping mechanic has been removed this time around and that makes me a happy camper. What do you guys think? Is Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3DS shaping up pretty nicely?

Pixel Count: Games without Release Dates?

The eve of a new generation is a strange time for gamers. We’re so used to having our calendars planned out at least a year in advance, knowing all of the big blockbuster releases that we intend to snatch up day one. But when a new generation dawns, all bets are off, and release dates become a nebulous, free-form sort of thing, hidden in shadow.

Which kind of sucks.

At the moment, this seems to be exactly the case for 2014, with tons of titles announced, but no clear idea on when we’ll really be able to play them, beyond vague “quarter” references meant primarily for stockholders. But none of that really means anything to gamers, especially when it comes to us saving money and figuring out what we’d like to buy. Even though I can’t wait for my PlayStation 4, I’m admittedly a bit bummed that I have no real idea when I’ll be playing some truly spectacular next generation games once we move over to 2014.

With all that in mind, I put together a list of the most anticipated games that don’t have true release dates yet, and wanted to see which ones you guys were most excited about. Go!

Which game without a release date are you most excited about?

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